So that no questions remain unanswered: Your FAQ from TDM Systems

There are always questions or uncertainties. Therefore we have created a FAQ for you, which covers all common questions. Please use the filter below to narrow down your questions. If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help you.

How much is a subscription to TDM Cloud Essentials?

You can find the details on the following page:

Which price model does TDM Cloud Essentials use?

TDM Cloud Essentials uses a subscription model, i.e. once you purchase a subscription for 12 months, you receive access to all of the functions of the selected package.

How long does my subscription last?

The contractual period is 12 months. If you purchase a further subscription during this contractual period, you will only be charged for this once the previous valid contractual period has ended.

Which currencies do you accept as payment?

The prices for the subscriptions in the check-out process for TDM Cloud Essentials are displayed in Euros or US dollars.

Why is the TDM WebCatalog add-on displayed in the check-out? I did not add this product?

The "TDM WebCatalog" add-on grants access to the specially prepared tool data in the TDM WebCatalog. Access to this is included free-of-charge when you purchase a subscription to TDM Cloud Essentials.

Can I uncheck the box for the TDM WebCatalog add-on? I would like to maintain my data from a different source?

The TDM WebCatalog is always added free-of-charge, but there is no obligation to use it. You are welcome to add your data from other sources.

Can I test TDM Cloud Essentials for free?

Yes, TDM Cloud Essentials can be tested free-of-charge for 30 days. Please choose Free Trial as payment method. Then your subscription ends after 30 days. You can change the payment method at any time and switch to a paid subscription after the trial period.

Do I have to purchase a separate subscription for the TDM WebCatalog?

Access to the TDM WebCatalog is included in the price of TDM Cloud. You do not incur any additional costs for this.

How can I enter a discount coupon?

You can either enter your discount coupon in the "Coupon" field when registering for the free trial period or enter it on the first or last page when checking out. The discount will then be displayed, if you choose to subscribe, on the invoice you receive after the trial period expires. If you have any further questions, contact the helpdesk.

How can I convert my free trial to a paid version?

You can either click the "Subscribe" button in one of our emails or start the check-out directly via the following link . If you have any further questions, please send us an email or contact our helpdesk.